ED Treatment
Erectile Dysfunction Treatment:
Performance from Peak to Valley
It’s no secret men of all ages are interested in continuing a high level of sexual performance. In today’s world surrounded by health-conscious social influencers, the bar is set high for body optimization and peak performance, and there's no exception when it comes to the bedroom. Erectile dysfunction affects millions of men worldwide and becomes a true medical condition once difficulty persists and performance hits a low valley for an extended period of time. For a long time men did not have many options for erectile dysfunction treatment, but advances in medical science have changed that.
If you’re looking to improve your sexual performance with erectile dysfunction treatment options, it could be time to consider something new. New Health Kansas understands the importance of sexual performance at every age, offering non-surgical ED treatments that are performed in-office and with little or no downtime.
Erectile Optimization: Comprehensive Treatment for Erectile Dysfunction
Phase 1: Acute Care Treatment and then Phase 2: Erectile Fitness
The primary focus is using Gainswave technology to improve overall Erectile Fitness. The process could take 6-12 treatments which can take 6-18 weeks. Great Erectile Fitness is having a strong erection when called upon in a timely manner with the least amount of medications or other adjuncts. With most patients with ED, there is a process of inadequate blood flow to the penis or psychological problems e.g. performance anxiety (a medication called Trimix helps with this and will be explained in detail below.)
We start off with Phase 1 the Acute Care Period of improving one's Erectile Fitness. This is where we offer 4-5 treatment modalities along with Gainswave treatments. Our goal is to be on the least number of medications long-term to achieve the Erectile Fitness desired. On Day 1 when you begin your Erectile Fitness training you will be offered the ability by using one or more of our 5 modalities to start off with a strong erection while we are allowing time for the Gainswave treatments to improve blood flow to the penis. Acute care treatments involve various and multiple options.
Packages are tailored based on:
- Current Erectile Fitness
- Financial resources of patient
- Time one has available to work on various treatment modalities
- How important and how fast we need to have a strong erection
Phase 1 Acute Care Treatment: Erectile Fitness - 5 modalities
Modality 1: Gainswave (6 treatments)
Gainswave therapy is a non-invasive, painless treatment that works to restore men's sexual health. The treatments make use of acoustic shockwaves, which help break up any unhealthy plaque buildup within the penis that could lead to decreased blood flow, possibly reducing performance in the bedroom.
Most people require 6-12 treatments in order to achieve optimum results. Overall, Gainswave is an innovative approach to finding solutions to male sexual health issues without relying on invasive surgery.
- Assists in breaking up any plaque buildup along the lines of the penis, allowing for more healthy blood to flow decreasing obstruction.
- Most people require 6-12 treatments.
Modality 2: Medication Assisted ED Treatment
- Viagra/Cialis:
- Taken daily or can be used prior to intercourse as needed
- This can help with the expansion of the arterial system, causing the vessels to dilate.
- Good RX coupon given
- Trimix: injectable to assist with erection.
- This is a 3-day injection that can be used prior to intercourse (within 10-20 min prior to intercourse). This is a direct injection into the base of the penis, with a small insulin size needle.
- Max of 12 shots that you can get per month.

Modality 3: Penis pump
- This helps with the dilation of the vessels to help bring more healthy blood flow naturally daily.
- Exercises to be performed 10 minutes 2 times daily.
Modality 4: Hormone Optimization
Hormone optimization may be a viable option for men with erectile dysfunction (ED). New Health Kansas offers testosterone replacement as part of our ED treatment plan in order to reduce the symptoms associated with ED.
Various forms of testosterone delivery can be prescribed, such as test cream, IM Testosterone Cypionate, or BioIdentical Hormone Replacement Pellets, and we typically order and review labs before prescribing any treatment.Taking advantage of hormone optimization offers patients many potential benefits and can offer more timely relief from ED symptoms compared with prescription medications.
Modality 5: Minimally invasive procedures for ED
- P shot: The use of your own blood, using the platelet-rich plasma portion (PRP) for injecting into the penis. This helps with regenerating/repairing vessels as well as helps with sensitivity.
- P shot with other cells
Comprehensive Treatment option A
- 6 gainswave treatments
- Full medication-assisted program with viagra or cialis class of meds plus Trimix which are penis injections to ensure strong erection by vasodilation)
- Minimally invasive procedures:
- P-shots alone (multiple 2-3) or with other cells
- penis pump
- Hormone evaluation and supplementation with management if indicated and patient does not have contraindications.
Patient then enters Phase 2 Erectile Fitness Club - with the continued need to use the 5 modalities.
SEE PHASE 2 info below.
Comprehensive Treatment option B (The old EO program)
- 3 Gainswave treatments
- Prescribing viagra or cialis class medications
- Trimix additional if desired
- Pshot or substitute with 2 gainswave treatments
- Penis pump
- Hormone
Patient then enters Phase 2 Erectile Fitness Club with the continued need to use
the 5 modalities.
Treatment PHASE 2 Erectile Fitness Club:
- Concierge medical care
- Ordering monthly viagra/cialis if needed
- Trimix individual syringes
- Additional Gainswave treatments at a discounted rate with recommended 2-4 treatment
per a year in this phase
Don't Let Time Stand in the Way: New Health Kansas GAINSWave ED Treatment
New Health Kansas’ GAINSWave erectile dysfunction treatment gets to the root cause of ED by addressing poor blood flow. Each GAINSWave ED treatment is a simple in-office procedure that takes only 20-30 minutes and provides long-lasting results with no downtime. Treatments are non-surgical, drug-free, completely non-invasive, all-natural, and safe for patients with health conditions such as heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes.
Read more about how to Say Goodbye to ED and get insight on the effectiveness of New Health Kansas' ED treatment by downloading our eBook today!
Get started today. Schedule your consultation.
Put the excitement back into your relationship
What is GAINSWave?
GAINSWave is a safe, comfortable erectile dysfunction treatment and is the only non-invasive procedure that treats the root cause of ED—poor blood flow. The GAINSWave ED treatment doesn’t have the same health risks as prescription ED medications or other ED treatment options and uses a protocol that optimizes efficacy, safety, and results.
At New Health Kansas, we offer GAINSWave Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (ESWT), the premium brand of an alternative approach to ED treatment. Shockwave therapy for ED uses high-frequency acoustic waves that assist with vascular regeneration and health. As a result, men are able to improve sexual performance by reversing erectile dysfunction caused by poor blood flow.

How Does Shockwave Therapy for ED Work?
For more than 80% of men, their erectile dysfunction is caused by poor blood flow. Shockwave therapy for ED addresses poor blood flow by breaking up plaque formation in the blood vessels and stimulating the growth of new blood vessels in the penis. It also activates the growth of new nerve tissue in the penis to enhance sensitivity. In just 6 to 12 sessions that last anywhere from 15 to 20 minutes, shockwave therapy for ED can stimulate the release of growth factors in penile tissue to generate new blood vessels, break up plaque formations that exist in current blood vessels, and activate dormant cells so new cell growth is encouraged. This works together to increase the blood flow in the penis, leading to longer, harder, and more sustainable erections.
What to Expect With GAINSWave
You will want to arrive 30 minutes prior to your initial appointment for the application of numbing cream and allow yourself 30 more minutes for the completion of the procedure appointment. It is non-invasive and pain-free! After your appointment you can immediately resume normal daily activities — there's no downtime at all! According to findings from GAINSWave.com, 75% of men experience positive results after their treatment and some men experience a spontaneous erection within 24 hours.

GAINSWave Frequently Asked Questions
How long do the effects of GAINSWave last?
The effects have been medically proven to last 2-3 years.
Is this a new type of ED treatment?
In the United States, yes. But this type of therapy has been used in Europe for more than 15 years.
What are the side effects?
There are little or no known side effects.
Is GAINSWave only for men with ED?
No, GAINSWave is a perfectly safe option for any man looking to increase his performance in the bedroom, whether he has ED, Peyronie’s Disease, or just wants better, stronger erections.

Don't Wait, Call Today For Your Consultation!
Don’t let erectile dysfunction rule your life any longer! Break the chains of prescription medications and see how GAINSWave can benefit you!